
Introduction: Electrogastrography (EGG) is emerging as a non-invasive modality for clinical investigation, especially in children. The results of EGG are influenced by many factors, including age. The purpose of the study was to correlate the electrogastrograms of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) depending on severity of the disease. Methods: We studied 60 children aged from 8 to 17 years, 45 with GERD and 15 children without GERD with normal result of 24-h pH-metry, but previously suspected of GERD. In all patients 24-h pH-metry and standarized 2 hours EGG were performed. The children were divided into 4 groups depending on the results of pH-metry: group I-11 children with severe acid reflux; group II-14 children with moderate acid reflux; group III-20 children with mild acid reflux; group IV-15 children with normal results of pH-metry. Gastric electrical activity was calculated. Abnormal EGG was defined as a <70% normal slow wave activity either prepran-dially or postprandially. Computerized and statistical analysis was performed including several EGG parameters: 1/percentage of dominant frequency (DF) in the normal range, bradygastria and tachygastria, 2/dominant frequency instability coefficient (DFIC), 3/postprandial to preprandial power ratio (PR). Results: Abnormalities in EGG were observed in 29 (64,4%) children with GERD and in 4 (26,7%) children from control group. In 9 (81,8%) children with severe GERD and in 6 (42,8%) with moderate GERD and in 5 (33,3%) with mild stage of GERD abnormal electrogastrogram was found. Both pre- and postprandial EGG were abnormal in 5 (45,5%) children with severe GERD. Abnormal EGG after feeding was noticed in 2 (18,2%) children of this group. In children with severe GERD we observed more bradygastrias and dysrrythmias postprandially than in the other groups. The differences were statistically signifficant (p<0.05). There were no differences in the prevalence of dysrrythmia oraz bradygastria in preprandial period in any of the studied groups. Conclusion: The abnormalities in EGG in children with GERD were found, especially in children with severe stage of the disease.

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