
To compare pregnancy rates following IUI between the Sperm Select® kit and standard sperm preparation techniques. Retrospective review. This study included 3245 non-donor IUI in clomiphene or hMG stimulated cycles. IUI was timed 24-36 hours after positive urine LH surge or intramuscular administration of 10,000 units of hCG. Sperm Select® System preparations were performed exclusively at one of our satellite clinics according to the manufacturer’s directions. Standard sperm preparations were performed in a dedicated andrology laboratory and included straight wash, density gradient or swim-up techniques. Pregnancies were determined after at least two rising serum hCG levels. Pregnancy frequencies were compared using Chi-square statistical analysis. Pregnancy rates following IUI were similar for standard versus Sperm Select® System preparations (p=0.83, Table 1). Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference between Sperm Select® System and any of the individual standard sperm preparation techniques (Table 2). The pregnancy rates varied with the type of ovarian stimulation. However, there was no statistically significant difference based on the type of sperm preparation used. Clomiphene cycle pregnancies were 10.31% with the Sperm Select® System and 9.49% with the standard preparation. HMG cycle pregnancies were 12.35% with the Sperm Select® System and 13.60% with the standard preparation.Tabled 1Tabled 1 The Sperm Select® System yields pregnancy rates after IUI comparable to standard sperm preparation techniques. It is a viable alternative for clinics without access to a specialized andrology laboratory.

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