
Lung Cancer remains the most common cancer in the world. It has progressively become a disease of older people, with the median age at diagnosis now exceeding 65 years. As population grows older demographically, it poses various distinct treatment & management challenges. Thus, we looked into factors associated with long-term survival following pulmonary resections for lung cancer in the elderly patients 70 years or older. All medical records for these elderly patients with lung cancer who underwent pulmonary resections, between years 2000 to 2010, were reviewed. These data was cross-referenced & checked with the operating theatre ORSOS & national mortality data. Patients were stratified into various groups. Gender, Median age at diagnosis, patient characteristics, associated medical co-morbidities, Pre-operative lung functions tests, extend of pulmonary resections & overall 1, 2 & 5 years survival was calculated. Stringent & proper selection criteria in elderly patient with lung cancer undergoing pulmonary resections will identify groups of patients that will benefit from these surgeries . Thus, identifying these elderly sub-groups will give new lease of life in survivability following pulmonary resections for lung cancer.

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