
Purpose An increasing interest in dosimetry for planning and verification in radionuclide therapy induces the need for an user-friendly, reliable and flexible software for dosimetric calculations. As the methods are not fully developed yet, such software must also be easy to modify and extend to involve possible procedure changes while keeping user-friendliness for a large-scale use. This work presents PTKManager as an application created for this purpose. Methods The software is written in C++. Its structure is modular, i.e. data processing workflow consists of modules that can be easily appended, removed or replaced from the workflow as plugins. The output of a module may be used as the input of any succeeding module. The modules are stored as functions in dynamic-linked libraries and are dynamically loaded, so their inclusion to the workflow does not require installation. The user may add own modules written in any compiled programming language with pointer support. The application is designed as a NEMA DICOM SCU/SCP station so a direct communication with PACS or acquisition equipment is possible. Results Modules for calculations based on EANM Dosimetry Guidelines for radioiodine therapies are able to store the measured and calculated data in the form of NEMA DICOM structured reports. The application has been used for dose verification in radioiodine thyroid therapies at University Hospital in Olomouc. Measured data in lesions or in whole-body are converted to activities using user-defined calibration factors, fitted to a biokinetic model using the sum-of-squares or chi-squared minimization and doses are estimated using user-defined S-factors. Conclusions The presented software may be a useful application in standardization and simplification of large-scale dosimetry, to test new methods or just to keep records of patient doses in DICOM files.

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