
This paper aims to raise awareness on the importance of sex education and its benefits to children and adolescents that, rather than promote unsafe sexual practices, provides young people with accurate information about sexuality. We reviewed sexual education programs that were developed from different areas and introduced in public schools, generating debates and discussions. Private educational institutions have introduced sex education, with significant differences between them. This difference is mainly due to the religious background, reflected on the programs shared with the students.The role of family is transcendental, it is clear that important messages related to sex and sexuality is taught by families to their children, according to their convictions, beliefs and own experiences. Sexuality is addressed from the biological and psychological aspects, including emotional, developmental, maturational and social aspects, that are difficult to apply in the educational community. There is emphasis on the prevention of unintended pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.Few programs address also all phases of human sexuality, that imply understanding of self-respect and care, and the knowledge to make informed decisions allowing complete exercise of sexuality. As a result of avoiding sex education at schools and not teaching at home, many young people fell confused and have few qualified adult referents to ask for information. This leads to high risk situations, where alcohol, drugs and unsafe sex is the rule, not to forget also how vulnerable young women can be at this point, exposing them to physic and psychologic violence.

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