
Smoking is considered one of the most widespread pandemic today. Tobacco smoke is one of the most toxic poisons which people knowingly enter into themselves disturbing at the same time their health and the health of people around them. Smoking among young people is more present in areas that have a negative attitude to this phenomenon, as well as in areas that are insufficiently informed about the harmful consequences of this habit.According to WHO, smokers on average, lose 20–25 years of their life expectancy due to premature death, and 50% of smokers who smoke continuously since adolescents are likely to die from diseases caused by smoking.The survey was conducted on a sample of 370 students of secondary mechanical and electrical school in Prijedor, Bosnia, in the period of 2006. and 2007. Its goals were to determine the prevalence of this practice, reasons for start smoking and the occurrence of these habits in families of patients.It was confirmed that a group of young average age of 16.03 years, smoking is present largely in the form of permanent or intermittent, which suggests that awareness of youth about the effects of smoking on health is insufficient.

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