
Introduction:The association between tics, epilepsy and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, is still little explored in literature.Case report:The authors describe case of a male patient, 25 years old, with some obsessive personality traits and with the appearance of simple multiple tics, at 7-8 years old. The tics were vocal and motor, particularly facial and worsen with anxiety. Of the personal history is highlighted the existence of repetitive tonsilitis and in the family history the presence of tics in 3 paternal first cousins. This patient started only consultation of Neurology in 2003 and was medicated with haloperidol 1 mg / day. Already in 2007 it was triggered absence crisis, so that after additional study (EEG and MRI) and detection of focal paroxysmal activity in the left fronto-temporal region, the patient was medicated with levetiracetam 1000 mg / day. Currently holds the following therapy: levetiracetam 1500 mg / day, clonidine 0225 mg / day and buspirone 30 mg / day, with clinical improvement occurred.Conclusions:This patient on one hand, presents DSM-IV-TR (2001) diagnostic criteria for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and on the other hand, criteria for the diagnosis of fronto-temporal epilepsy. It is also relevant the patient"s family history, that is consistent with the high risk of Tourette Syndrome in the first degree relatives.

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