
ObjectivesWe have studied the treatment modes and therapies of patients with acute psychotic disorders, in a general hospital for 1600 beds.MethodsClinicopshycopathologic, clinicotherapeutic, and statistical.Results1982 patients, 18-92 years of age, 64% of them males, have been examined.All the patients have been primary admitted with acute somatic disorders:insult - 18%,skull injury - 21%,myocardial infarction - 23%,exogenic poisoning - 31%,parasuicides -4%,operations on the thoracic organs - 3%.The mental disorders diagnosed were following:amnesic syndrome, organic - F04 - 29%,depression - F43.20 - 5%,organic hallucinosis - F06.0 - 12%,organic delirium - F05 - 33%,psychotic disorder - or drug induced - F1 - 21%.ConclusionAfter psychiatric examination by an attending psychiatrist, the patients have been moved to the resuscitation department where they have been treated up to their recovery.None of the patients has been moved to the mental hospital.

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