
Purpose:Searchof psychosexual indicators of sexual violence.Object:Infant and juvenile victims of sexual offends (51 persons).Method:Sexological.Results:Psychosexual disorders associated with sexual violence were observed in 24%.For children of 3-7 years set is significant:Sexualization of behavior:– french kissing with friends;– interest to intimate parts of body;– a frequent situating of fingers in perineum;– inserting into genitals different subjects;– seizing for a breast or genitals.Description to strangers those sexual actions which with them were realized.For children of 7-12 years set is significant:Sexualization of behavior: – tempting behavior with persons of an opposite sex with make a suggestion of sexual contact;– imitation of sexual contact;– masturbation in public place.Unusual sexual knowledge for this age.For male adolescents set is significant:Psychosexual dissociation: platonic and erotic libido is heterosexual, sexual libido is homosexual.Disorders of identity: feminine identity and hyper-role behavior only with coevals of own sex.For female adolescents set is significant:Psychosexual dissociation:– love for the concrete coeval with lack of sexual desire to him;– presence of physiological sexual reactions on without personality object (heroes of books, television movies, etc.).Illegible erotic behavior and lack of sexual desire.Sexual aversion, restrictions of verbal contacts with young men, victims terminate to use of formal female attributes.Conclusion:Results may be used for differential diagnostics of sexual development's disorders of different genesis.

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