
In order to characterize better P-wave velocities for the shallow crust of the Po Plain and surrounding regions, we have selected 64 deep wells mainly located in the plain and also along the Apennine belt and Adriatic coast. In particular, we have analyzed the stratigraphic profiles for all wells, and the available sonic logs (37 out of 64). From these data we have examined the P-wave velocity trend with depth and estimated rock density following an empirical relationship between sonic velocity and density in sedimentary rocks. Then we have calculated, notably, for the first time in a large area of Italy, the overburden stress magnitude for each well. For instance, at a depth of 5 km we have found values varying from 105 to 130 MPa moving from the Adriatic coast to the Apennine belt. Consequently, the Apennine belt shows a maximum regional lithostatic gradient of around 26 MPa/km while the Po Plain and Adriatic region have values of around 21 MPa/km. The maximum density value that can be considered for the Apennine crustal belt corresponds to 2.65 g/cm3; in the Po Plain the mean density is around 2.25 g/cm3, while in the Adriatic area the average density has the lowest value in the region at 2.13 g/cm3. Although in this area a 2D crustal P-wave velocity model does not adequately constrain the complicated and uneven tectonics, we have nevertheless established a shallow model consisting of five separate layers. The strength of this paper lies in the possible use of these direct data, together with other derived geological and geophysical information, to build a 3D model of the area.

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