
¶A petrological study has been undertaken in the Austroalpine basement units, along a SSE-NNW profile across the northern parts of the Saualpe Complex in the Seetal Alps, the Micaschist-Marble Complex (Rappold and Wolz Units) in the Wolz Tauern and the Speik Complex with Permian cover sequences at Hochgrosen Massif in the Rottenmann Tauern. With exception of the Permian cover rocks all units experienced Pre-Alpine as well as Eo-Alpine metamorphism. Relicts of early Variscan eclogite facies metamorphism (397 Ma) are preserved in the Speik Complex in the Hochgrosen Massif. Different compositional zoning and inclusion patterns in garnet porphyroblasts from the Rappold and Wolz Units allow to distinguish two Pre-Alpine metamorphic events: a Permian (∼ 250 Ma) low-P/high-T and an Upper Carboniferous (330 Ma?) medium-pressure metamorphism of amphibolite facies conditions.

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