
Fluid inclusions, mineral thermometry and stable isotope data from two types of mineralogically and texturally contrasting pegmatites, barren ones and lithium ones, from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif were studied in order to constrain P–T conditions of their emplacement, subsolidus hydrothermal evolution and to estimate composition of the early exsolved fluid and that of the parental melt. Despite the fact that the lithium pegmatites are abundant throughout the crystalline units of the Bohemian Massif, data similar to this paper have not been published yet. The studied pegmatites are hosted by iron-rich calcic skarn bodies. This specific setting allowed scavenging of calcium, fluorine and some other elements from the host rocks into the pegmatitic melts and post-magmatic fluids. Such contamination process was important namely in the case of barren pegmatites, as can be deduced from the variation in anorthite contents in plagioclase and from the presence of fluorite, hornblende (with F content) or garnet in the contact zones of pegmatite dykes. Fluid inclusions were studied mostly in quartz, but also in fluorite, titanite and apatite. Early aqueous–carbonic and late aqueous fluids were identified in both pegmatite types. The P–T conditions of crystallization as well as the detailed composition of exsolved magmatic fluid, however, particularly differ. The magmatic fluids associated with barren pegmatites correspond to H2O–CO2 low salinity fluids, composition of which evolved from 20 to 23 to <5 mol% CO2, and from 2 to 4–6 mol% NaCl eq. Sudden decrease in the CO2 content of the post-magmatic fluids (<5 mol% CO2) seems to coincide with the enrichment of the fluid in calcium (from the contamination process) and resulted in precipitation of calcites (frequently found as trapped solid phases in fluid inclusions). The fluids associated with lithium pegmatites are more complex (H2O–CO2/N2–H3BO3–NaCl). The CO2 content of early exsolved fluid is 26–20 mol% CO2 and remains the same in the next fluid generation. The main difference between the magmatic and the first post-magmatic fluids is the presence of 7–9 wt% of H3BO3 (identified as daughter mineral sassolite) in the former. The second post-magmatic fluids are again CO2-poor (∼4 mol%) and more saline (∼4 mol% NaCl eq.). The composition of exsolved fluid was further used to constrain volatile composition and content of the parental melts. Finally, P–T conditions of pegmatite crystallization are constrained: 600–640°C and 420–580 MPa for the barren pegmatites and 500–570°C and 310–430 MPa for the lithium pegmatite. While the emplacement of the former occurred in thermal equilibrium with the Moldanubian host rock environment, the emplacement of the later suggests substantial thermal disequilibrium.

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