
Introduction: P-selectin is a cell adhesion molecule that play key roles in vaso-occlusive crisis, atherosclerosis, inflammation and is highly implicated in sickle cell diseases. This cross-sectional study determines the level of P-selectin in haemoglobin-S variants steady state subjects in Port Harourt Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Eighty (80) subjects comprising of haemoglobin-S variants in steady-state and apparently healthy haemoglobin A (HbAA) male and female aged within 5-60years were recruited for the study. Five millilitres (5mls) of venous blood were aseptically collected by venepuncture from each participant into plain tube and analysed using Elabsceince ELISA kits. Data obtained were analysed using SPSS version 24, and results considered to be significant at p<0.05. Results: P-selectin levels were all within detectable normal reference ranges with highest value observed in HbSS subjects (10.98±2.72ng/ml) followed by HbSC subjects (9.58±3.51ng/ml), HbAA subjects (9.42±3.17ng/ml) and lowest value in HbAS subjects (8.01±3.19ng/ml) respectively (p=0.037). Comparison of P-selectin level based on gender showed no statistically significant difference across the various groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: The study revealed a higher P-selectin level in HbSS and HbSC subjects although all within normal detectable reference ranges. It further demonstrated that gender has no effect on the expression of P-selectin in haemoglobin-S variant steady state subjects and normal haemoglobin A (HbAA). Measurement of P-selectin level in sickle cell diesease is recommended as an indirect way of investigating and monitoring red cell haemolysis, platelet aggregation and degree of inflammation in haemoglobin-S variants subjects.

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