
Abstract Background Although rare, spontaneous splenic rupture (SSR) is a potentially life threatening condition and most commonly associated with infection and malignancy. Haematological malignancies are an important differential diagnosis and among these chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) has one of the highest associations with SSR. Methods This case report follows a previously fit and healthy thirty-three year old gentleman who presented to accident and emergency with one day history of sudden onset, severe, left upper quadrant pain. CT of the abdomen and pelvis including an arterial phase, confirmed splenic rupture with moderate volume haemo-peritoneum, but no active bleeding. White cell count (WCC) was 225.8 x10^9/l and blood film confirmed suspicion of haematological malignancy. The patient was haemodynamically stable and therefore transferred to the surgical high dependency unit for observation and conservative management. He was commenced on hydroxycarbamide on the advice of haematology. Results Genetic screening detected BCR-ABL1 and Philadelphia chromosome; this along with bone marrow aspirate confirmed diagnosis of CML. His WCC decreased with hydroxycarbamide therapy. He made good clinical progress and was discharged home with haematology follow up. Hydroxycarbamide has since been stopped and he has been initiated on Imatinib therapy. His WCC has returned to normal and he has remained well with no further complications. Conclusions SSR is an extremely rare first presentation of CML. Given its associated morbidity and mortality, it should remain an important differential diagnosis in patients presenting acutely to the General Surgeon with abdominal pain and shock, especially in those with a known underlying haematological malignancy.

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