
The article presents the results of a study of the investment attractiveness of the food industry in Ukraine, the investment activity of food enterprises and the relationship between the profit tax and the investment activity of industry enterprises. The dynamics of the volume of sales of food products in Ukraine in absolute terms and in percentage of the volume of sales of the industry is characterized. A certain role of the food industry in the country's economy. The dynamics of profitability of enterprises producing food products, by types of profitability and by categories of food products are analyzed. The main indicators characterizing the property position of food enterprises are considered. A comparative characteristic of costs in industry and in the food industry is presented. The current state of investment activity in the food industry is analyzed. According to the results of 2016. the ratings of capital investment of the food industry by regions of Ukraine and the share of capital investment of the food industry in the total volume of investments in the regions are compiled. The regions-leaders and outsiders of ratings are determined. An econometric model of the relationship between the investment activity of enterprises of the food industry and the main motivator of entrepreneurial activity, a corporate profit tax, has been constructed. The degree of interrelation is determined and the forecast of investment volumes is made provided that the tax rate is further reduced. Key problems that prevent the development of the food industry are formulated. The main measures on the part of the state that will promote the activation of investment processes in the industry of the country in general and in the food industry in particular are determined.

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