
The object of the study is the migration policy of the Russian Empire in the Far East. The subject is the views and approach of the military Governor of the Primorsky Region (1888-1897) and the Governor-General of the Amur Region (1905-1910) P. F. Unterberger to the resettlement from Korea and the economic activities of Koreans in the Amur Region. The purpose of the study is to analyze P. F. Unterberger's policy on the settlement of the Korean issue in the Russian Far East. The author examines in detail the assessments of the regional administrator regarding the degree of assimilation of Korean immigrants with the Russian population, reveals his approach to the acceptance of Koreans into Russian citizenship. Special attention is paid to the negative aspects of the economic detail of Koreans in the Russian Far East and the political risks associated with their stay in Russia, which P. F. Unterberger highlighted in his essays. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the conclusion about the key role of the official in the development of measures of the Far Eastern administration to formalize the legal status of Koreans in Russia. The main reasons for the administrator's negative attitude towards immigrants from Korea are identified. The main principles that guided the official in carrying out the policy on the settlement of the Korean problem are formulated. The author stressed that the views expressed by P. F. Unterberger in his works contradict the basic principles of the national policy of the Russian Federation. Individual formulations of an official by modern standards are politically incorrect and cannot be used either in official documents or in scientific or journalistic materials.

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