
Abstract Introduction Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL) are rare neuroendocrine tumors. Clinical manifestations consist of various cardiovascular signs and symptoms related to excessive secretion of catecholamines. Catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy is a rare but life-threatening complication of PPGL. Excessive discharge of catecholamines results in vasoconstriction, coronary vasospasm and myocardial ischemia. Three types of cardiomyopathies can be observed in patients with PPGL; dilated cardiomyopathy, Takotsuba cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Clinical Case Herein, we present a case with PPGL complicated with heart failure probably due to excessive secretion of catecholamines. A 19 years-old man was admitted to emergency department with dyspnea and hypotension. He exhibited severe signs of heart failure with very high liver function tests; ALT: 3647 U/L (8-65) and AST: 4542U/L (7-40), probably due to hepatic congestion. Echocardiogram performed in ICU reported %10 left venticular ejection fraction with diffuse akinesia. Remarkable improvement of liver function was recorded following the introduction of heart failure medicines. A computed tomography scan that was performed for abdominal pain and distension revealed a six cm tumour at the left adrenal gland compatible with pheochromocytoma. Laboratory analyses were; 24-hour urine metanephrines: 1938mcg (44-261), normetanephrines: 17934mcg (103-390). Following necessary preoperative preparations, laparoscopic left adrenalectomy was performed and a 70 mm adrenal tumor, histopathologically compatible with pheochromocytoma, was excised. His postoperative laboratory findings were; 24-hour urine metanephrines: 248 mcg (44-261), normetanephrines: 4368 mcg (103-390), chromogranin A: 554.9 ng/ml (0-100), 3-methoxytyramine: 0.34 nmol/l (0-0.17). A 68-Ga-DOTA-Peptide PET/CT following 12 weeks of surgery demonstrated hypermetabolic lesions at left suprarenal area. A second open surgery was performed and lymph node metastases were detected (Figure 1). His cardiac functions ameliorated significantly following the removal of tumors. Genetic analysis for PPGL syndromes were negative for KIF1B, SDHB, NTRK1, TMEME127, VHL, RET, SDHD genes. Work-up is still pending for the mutations of SDHA, SDHC and SDHAF2 genes. Conclusion Cathecolamine-induced cardiomyopathy is a rare entity associated with PPGL. Urgent recognition of related clinical signs and symptoms and detection of PPGL is lifesaving. It should be kept in mind in patients presenting with symptoms of heart failure, hypotension and multisystem crisis in the absence of coronary or valvular heart disease.Figure 1.Pheochromocytoma with lymph node metastasis. (H&E x100)

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