
Fluid satiation is an important signal and aspect of body fluid homeostasis. Oxytocin-receptor-expressing neurons (OxtrPBN) in the dorsolateral subdivision of the lateral parabrachial nucleus (dl LPBN) are key neurons which regulate fluid satiation. In the present study, we investigated brain regions activated by stimulation of OxtrPBN neurons in order to better characterise the fluid satiation neurocircuitry in mice. Chemogenetic activation of OxtrPBN neurons increased Fos expression (a proxy marker for neuronal activation) in known fluid-regulating brain nuclei, as well as other regions that have unclear links to fluid regulation and which are likely involved in regulating other functions such as arousal and stress relief. In addition, we analysed and compared Fos expression patterns between chemogenetically-activated fluid satiation and physiological-induced fluid satiation. Both models of fluid satiation activated similar brain regions, suggesting that the chemogenetic model of stimulating OxtrPBN neurons is a relevant model of physiological fluid satiation. A deeper understanding of this neural circuit may lead to novel molecular targets and creation of therapeutic agents to treat fluid-related disorders.

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