
Simultaneously with determination of cardiac output, the distribution of oxygen partial pressure within biceps muscle was measured during and after open heart surgery in 29 patients. During extracorporeal circulation (ECC) mean muscular oxygen partial pressure (MPO2m) decreased from 25 mmHg to 14 mmHg with an increase of MPO2 values below 5 mmHg from 4% to 20%. Sustained decrease of MPO2m (greater than 1h) did not occur after ECC. Before ECC and in the postoperative period, MPO2m was lineary correlated (r = 0.85) to whole body oxygen delivery (Ox. offer) suggesting that local oxygen delivery within biceps muscle was sufficiently indicated only by systemic parameters of oxygen transport which require determination of cardiac output. Particularly with regard to relative changes, MPO2m might be used for estimation of whole body oxygen offer clinically.

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