
ABSTRACT Homogenates of white blood cells from 31 euthyroid persons, 16 thyrotoxic patients and 3 hypothyroid patients were incubated with labeled thyroxine. Respiration and deiodination of thyroxine were measured. The oxygen consumption of white-cell homogenates from 31 euthyroid subjects ranged from 0.150 to 0.545 and averaged 0.334 ± 0.1 μl. 02/106 cells/hour. Oxygen consumption by leukocytes from thyrotoxic patients was significantly increased, and in 16 thyrotoxic subjects ranged from 0.21 to 0.76 and averaged 0.444 ± .15 μl. O2/106 cells/hour. The oxygen consumption by leukocytes from 3 hypothyroid subjects averaged 0.313 μl. O2/106 cells/hour. Deiodination of labeled thyroxine by cells from 10 euthyroid women ranged from 7 to 39 per cent of the total radioactivity and averaged 19 ± 16 per cent. Deiodination by cells from 7 thyrotoxic women was significantly greater, and ranged from 15 to 57 per cent, averaging 44 ± 14.5 per cent. The average deiodination by leukocytes from 3 hypothyroid patients wa...

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