
The microwave conductivity of an ultra-pure single crystal of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.50}$ has been measured deep in the superconducting state as a continuous function of frequency from $0.5\to20$ GHz. Conductivity spectra were first measured at four temperatures below 10 K after having prepared the crystal in the so called ortho-II phase in which the CuO chain oxygen are ordered into alternating full and empty chains. These spectra exhibit features expected for quasiparticle scattering from dilute weak impurities (small scattering phaseshift) in an otherwise clean d-wave superconductor. The measurements were repeated on the same crystal after heating and then rapidly quenching the sample to reduce the degree of oxygen order in the CuO chains. With the increased disorder, the conductivity spectra retain the distinctive weak-limit scattering features, but have increased widths reflecting an increase in quasiparticle scattering. These measurements unambiguously establish that CuO chain oxygen disorder is the dominant source of in-plane quasiparticle scattering in high purity YBCO.

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