
Choroid plexus epithelial cells (CPEpiCs) determine the composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and constitute the blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB), functions that are altered in neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson's disease (PD) the pathological environment oxidizes and deamidates the ceruloplasmin, a CSF-resident ferroxidase, which undergoes a gain of RGD-recognizing integrin binding property, that may result in signal transduction. We investigated the effects that oxidized/deamidated ceruloplasmin (Cp-ox/de) may exert on CPEpiCs functions. Through RGD-recognizing integrins binding, Cp-ox/de mediates CPEpiCs adhesion and intracellular signaling, resulting in cell proliferation inhibition and alteration of the secretome profile in terms of proteins related to cell-extracellular matrix interaction. Oxidative conditions, comparable to those found in the CSF of PD patients, induced CPEpiCs barrier leakage, allowing Cp-ox/de to cross it, transducing integrins-mediated signal that further worsens BCSFB integrity. This mechanism might contribute to PD pathological processes altering CSF composition and aggravating the already compromised BCSFB function.

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