
Analysis of the results of medical examination of pregnant sheep 30...15...5 days before the expected term of lambing showed that in the urine of 12.11% of ewes, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood plasma was 1.43 times higher than the physiological norm. In addition, there is a tendency to decrease the buffer bases to 18.41±1.53 mmol/l, as well as the glucose content below 2.12 ± 0.12 mmol/l. At the same time, the ratio of VN/ ACAS is up to 1.47 ± 0.12 mmol / L. It was found that the albumin fraction of proteins decreased by 1.51 times. Edema in the abdominal wall and underbelly, 9.5% lack of reaction to external stimuli, 15.0% decreased appetite, 10.0% jaundice of mucous membranes and 9.0% of sheep had a comatose state were found in 15.0% of animals. In a clinical study in sheep with eclampsia, hypertension over 136.1 mmHg and the presence of protein in urine over 3.2 g/l were recorded. These symptoms indicated classic signs of eclampsia, which occurred depending on the condition of sick animals in atypical and typical forms of manifestation. In animals with typical clinical signs of eclampsia, an increase in the level of diene conjugates was found to be 1.87 times, and the concentration of ketodiene intermediates and conjugated trienes was 1.75 times, the concentration of stable nitric oxide metabolites was 38.0%, and the vitamin E content decreased by 13.1%. At the same time, there was a 20.46% increase in the concentration of double bonds in the atypical form of eclampsia. In the blood plasma of patients with eclampsia of pregnant ewes, the activity of superoxide dismutase (1,736±0.37 units) is lower than in the comparison group (2,146±0.56 mmol/l). The obtained material of this work should be taken into account in the future when studying the problem of complicated pregnancy in the last stages of gestation in sheep and when developing therapeutic and preventive measures to ensure the long-term functioning of the reproductive potential and obtaining a viable newborn offspring.


  • РЕФЕРАТ Анализ результатов диспансеризации суягных овец за 30... 15...5 дней до ожидаемого срока окота показал, что в моче у 12,11% овцематок превышение в 1,43 раза в плазме крови концентрации кетоновых тел выше физиологической нормы

  • In a clinical study in sheep with eclampsia, hypertension over 136.1 mmHg and the presence of protein in urine over 3.2 g/l were recorded. These symptoms indicated classic signs of eclampsia, which occurred depending on the condition of sick animals in atypical and typical forms of manifestation

  • In animals with typical clinical signs of eclampsia, an increase in the level of diene conjugates was found to be 1.87 times, and the concentration of ketodiene intermediates and conjugated trienes was 1.75 times, the concentration of stable nitric oxide metabolites was 38.0%, and the vitamin E content decreased by 13.1%

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Для исследования было отобрано 125 суягных овцематок с заболеванием эклампсией различной формы проявления (атипичная и типичная) на последних сроках гестации. Полученный цифровой материал обработан методом биометрии с выведением коэфициента достоверности и графически отражен на рисунке рисунок 4.Однако содержание горомнов тестостерона и эстрадиола остается практически на одном уровне и не зависит от формы течения эклампсии. Полученный цифровой материал обработан методом биометрии с выведением коэфициента достоверности и отражен в данных таблицы 3.У oвцeмaтoк с oслoжнeнным течением суягности на последней стадии гестации за 30, 15 и 5 суток до предпологаемого окота, отмечали повышение концентрации в крови промежуточного продукта пероксидации липидов - ГПO с 14,6±0,54 до 18,4±0,51 мМ 08Н/лхмин и снижение витамина С - до 12,0±1,69 ммоль/л, что ниже показателей здоровых суягных овец на 20,8%, витамина Е с 11,1±0,09 до 7,1±0,03 мкмoль/л. Рис. 4 – Графическое изображение показателей прогестерона и кортизола в плазме крови овец при осложнении суягности эклампсией

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