
Oxidation of nickel after preoxidation at 1473 K was investigated during isothermal stages in oxygen atmospheres,, at temperatures in the range 1073–1500 K. The reaction kinetics were parabolic; the parabolic oxidation rate constant was proportional to with the value of varying from at 1073 K to at 1473 K. The activation energy of oxidation was . Marker measurements indicated that the polycrystalline columnar scales, which exhibited a preferred (100) texture, grew by predominant outward nickel diffusion. The measured values of the parabolic oxidation rate constants were higher by a factor of ⩽ 3 than values calculated using nickel self‐diffusion coefficients of single‐crystal , due probably to a component of nickel migration along easy diffusion paths developed in the polycrystalline scales.

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