
The 60Co γ-radiation-induced oxidation of pure methyl oleate at dose rates below 1.3 × 1018 eV 1.–1sec–1 has been shown to occur by a chain mechanism in which the O2 absorbed is quantitatively converted to hydroperoxide at conversions up to about 8 %. The reaction has an overall activation energy of 6.4 kcal/mole, and involves a temperature-independent production of initiating radicals from methyl oleate with a G-value of 5.36. HO2· radicals do not participate in the initiation reaction since the yield of radiolytic hydrogen(G= 1.01) from methyl oleate is unaffected by the presence of O2. The appearance of a peak in the absorption spectrum at 219 mµ is attributed to α,β-unsaturated ketones produced in the chain-termination reaction. The rate of oxidation of methyl oleate dissolved in methyl stearate, for which Gradical was 5.24, increases linearly with the solute concentration.

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