
One of the most complex environmental problems generated by the development of human economic activity is the problem of the negative impact of chemically polluted territories on the objects of the hydrosphere. A lot of toxic compounds, getting into water reservoirs, cause the water area deterioration, the death of their flora and fauna, make the water unusable either for drinking nor for cultural and household needs. Recently, the attention of specialists has been attracted by a group of persistent organic pollutants. All these substances belong to the class of organochlorine pollutants, as well as by-products of hydrocarbon production (for example: dioxins, furans, formaldehydes, phenols). These substances are resistant to decomposition and toxic. Among the most dangerous water pollutants, along with heavy metal ions, petroleum products, surfactants and polyaromatic compounds, are phenol and its derivatives. Phenol-containing wastewater is generated at enterprises of the pulp and paper, woodworking, food industries, leather, chemical, coke, petrochemical industries, etc. When even a small amount of phenolic compounds gets into a water body, the reservoir self-cleaning capacity decreases. In this regard, the problem of an objective assessment of hydrosphere pollution by phenols and its derivatives and the search for new effective methods of wastewater treatment are urgent tasks. The paper describes oxidation methods for wastewater treatment from phenol.

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