
The determination of both stable nitrogen (δ15N-NO3-) and stable oxygen (δ18O-NO3-) isotopic signatures of nitrate in PM2.5 has shown potential for an approach of assessing the sources and oxidation pathways of atmospheric NOx (NO+NO2). In the present study, daily PM2.5 samples were collected in the megacity of Beijing, China during the winter of 2017-2018, and this new approach was used to reveal the origin and oxidation pathways of atmospheric NOx. Specifically, the potential of field δ15N-NO3- signatures for determining the NOx oxidation chemistry was explored. Positive correlations between δ18O-NO3- and δ15N-NO3- were observed (with R2 between 0.51 and 0.66, p<0.01), and the underlying environmental significance was discussed. The results showed that the pathway-specific contributions to NO3- formation were approximately 45.3% from the OH pathway, 46.5% from N2O5 hydrolysis, and 8.2% from the NO3+HC channel based on the δ18O-δ15N space of NO3-. The overall nitrogen isotopic fractionation factor (εN) from NOx to NO3- on a daily scale, under winter conditions, was approximately+16.1‰±1.8‰ (consistent with previous reports). Two independent approaches were used to simulate the daily and monthly ambient NOx mixtures (δ15N-NOx), respectively. Results indicated that the monthly mean values of δ15N-NOx compared well based on the two approaches, with values of-5.5‰ ± 2.6‰,-2.7‰ ± 1.9‰, and-3.2‰ ± 2.2‰ for November, December, and January (2017-2018), respectively. The uncertainty was in the order of 5%, 5‰ and 5.2‰ for the pathway-specific contributions, the εN, and δ15N-NOx, respectively. Results also indicated that vehicular exhaust was the key contributor to the wintertime atmospheric NOx in Beijing (2017-2018). Our advanced isotopic perspective will support the future assessment of the origin and oxidation of urban atmospheric NOx.

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