
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy provides, twice each year, a collection of the best current work in the field of ancient philosophy. Each volume features original essays that contribute to an understanding of a wide range of themes and problems in all periods of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, from the beginnings to the threshold of the Middle Ages. From its first volume in 1983, OSAP has been a highly influential venue for work in the field, and has often featured essays of substantial length as well as critical essays on books of distinctive importance. Volume LIV contains: an article on the equal sticks argument for Forms in Plato’s Phaedo; an article on why Plato abandoned the Socratic method; and another on the cognition of the world soul in the Timaeus; two articles on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, one on the prohibition against ‘kind‐crossing’, the other on the requirements for a middle term’s being an explanatory cause; an article on the mixture of elemental qualities in Aristotle’s On Generation and Corruption 2. 7, and another on First Philosophy in Metaphysics Lambda; and an article on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ use of dialectical method in his treatises On Fate and On Providence.

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