
Oxalic acid (OA) is a popular miticide used to control Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Our aim was to investigate which method of OA application (dribbling, fogging, or vaporizing) was the most effective at reducing V. destructor infestations (Experiment 1) and to improve upon this method by determining the treatment interval that resulted in the greatest V. destructor control (Experiment 2). We used the product Api-Bioxal (97% OA) and maintained 40 honey bee colonies (10/treatment) in both experiments. In Experiment 1, the treatments included (i) dribbling 50 ml of 3% OA solution, (ii) vaporizing 4 g of solid OA, (iii) using an insect fogger supplied with 2.5% OA dissolved in ethyl alcohol, and (iv) an untreated control. After 3 weeks, only the vaporization method reduced V. destructor infestations (from 9.24 mites/100 bees pretreatment to 3.25 mites/100 bees posttreatment) and resulted in significantly increased brood amounts and numbers of adult bees over those of the controls. In Experiment 2, all colonies were treated with 4 applications of OA via vaporization at a constant concentration of 4 g OA/colony. In this experiment, the groups were separated by treatment intervals at either 3-, 5-, or 7-day intervals. We observed that 5- and 7-day treatment intervals significantly reduced V. destructor populations from pretreatment levels over that of the controls and 3-day intervals. Our data demonstrate the efficacy of OA in reducing V. destructor infestation, particularly vaporizing 4 g every 5-7 days as the most effective method of application.

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