
Based on material collected during the BIOICE project off Iceland, the taxonomy and distribution of six species of polychaetous annelids belonging to the family Oweniidae are reviewed. Three species were previously reported in the area: Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, Myriochele heeri Malmgren and Galathowenia oculata (Zaks); two are new to Icelandic waters: G. fragilis (Nilsen & Holthe) and Myriochele danielsseni Hansen, and one is new to science: Myrioglobula islandica, which is described and compared with Myrioglobula antarctica Hartman and Myrioglobula japonica Imajima & Morita. Several body characters with a high taxonomic value in oweniids were reviewed under the scanning electron microscope. In G. fragilis, the presence of an anteroventral structure, possibly related to tube construction, is presented, as well as its original description, proposed to be emended, due to the confirmation of a hook-shaped variability over the length of the body. The distribution of each species off Iceland was evaluated and two patterns were defined: O. cf. fusiformis and G. oculata were mainly found in sublittoral (<200 m) cold waters off the north coast, while G. fragilis and Myriochele heeri were found in a wide range of depth and temperatures all around Iceland. A key to the species of the family Oweniidae recorded in Icelandic waters is provided.

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