
We studied ovipositional synergists and artificial diets for rearing Trichogramma australicum. Artificial “diet A” included 40% haemolymph of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) final instar larvae, 30% of a 10% malt solution in deionised water, 20% chicken egg yolk and 10% Neisenheimer's salt solution with 76 units Penicillin and 76 units Streptomycin/ml diet. Artificial “diet B” was identical except Grace's insect medium® replaced Neisenheimer's salt solution. the number of T. australicum larvae in artificial eggs filled with diet A and diet B was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Significantly fewer (P < 0.05) larvae developed to pupae and adults in artificial eggs filled with diet A. Quantity and quality of artificial diet affected the mortality of T. australicum larvae reared in vitro. Ovipositional synergists included 10% gelatine solution, 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution or 1% agar solution in deionised water. Synergist test‐solutions were individually smeared on the external surface of artificial eggs (hemispherical depressions in plastic membrane). Eggs laid and number of T. australicum larvae produced were significantly higher in artificial eggs smeared with gelatine than artificial eggs smeared with polyvinyl alcohol, agar or non‐smeared (control) eggs.

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