
Preference–performance hypothesis was tested in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis under field, insectary and laboratory conditions in a population from southeastern Brazil. Throughout a year, Passiflora capsularis was the host predominantly used for oviposition in the field. Similarly, when host plants were of high quality in the field, H. erato phyllis females that came from this environment laid more eggs on P. capsularis under insectary conditions. In contrast, when host plant quality declined in nature, females did not show preference for any host plant in particular in the insectary. Larvae had superior performances when reared on P. capsularis and Passiflora edulis than on Passiflora jilekii. Overall, our results show a trend towards a positive relationship between oviposition and performance in H. erato phyllis. The factors that might lead to an absence of selection under insectary conditions by females from a poor-quality environment are discussed.

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