
Abstract. Pecan weevil, Curculio caryae (Horn) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a major fruit pest of pecan, Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch. The majority of economic damage results from larvae feeding on the kernel. Pecan fruit were collected at three sites to describe oviposition activity related to location on the fruit, cluster size, and determine the likelihood of multiple females ovipositing in the same fruit. Results indicated that oviposition was primarily at the distal (stigma) end of the fruit, although feeding punctures seemed to occur without respect to fruit location. Infestation of a fruit cluster rarely resulted in all fruit in the cluster being infested; in fact, one or two fruit were the most common infestation level, regardless of cluster size. Infestation by larvae typically occurred at greater frequency in larger clusters and less frequency in single fruit clusters than the infestation rate across all cluster sizes, suggesting that more fruit produced a greater concentration of v...

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