
Ovid’s Heroides is one of the most enigmatic oeuvres written by the famous poet. Heroides still continues to raise many questions to which the answers have not been discovered yet. For example, it is not clear when the oeuvre was written; the genre itself still remains puzzling. Some researchers consider Heroides to illustrate the continuation of the elegiac verse, while others link this oeuvre with the tradition of the literary letter. Still others discern in this oeuvre the influence produced by the Hellenistic Greek poetry, and even that effected by the novel.Heroides consists of twenty one letters, written in the metre of elegiac distich. The work is based on the mythological plots, borrowed from Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad, as well as on those taken from the plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Vergil’s Aeneid alongside with the poetry written by Catullus, Apollonius Rhodius and Callimachus have left their imprint on this oeuvre by Ovid as well.All the letters written by the women in this oeuvre reverberate their enormous emotional tension. Their husbands or lovers are gone away and have not returned for a long time. The women are waiting for their men, who, unfortunately, do not seem to be conscious of the feelings of the women or simply do not respond. Irrespective of the fact that the motivation behind all the letter writing seems to be similar, the poetical and emotional expressions of these letters are neither monotonous nor tedious. The letters embrace a vast range of feelings and emotions.In the recent analyses of Ovid’s Letters, the psychological character of these letters as well as the poet’s mastery in reflecting the feelings of the women are emphasized by the latest researchers. Ovid’s Letters abound in dramatic, lyrical and epic means of expression.


  • Ovid’s Heroides is one of the most enigmatic oeuvres written by the famous poet

  • Some researchers consider Heroides to illustrate the continuation of the elegiac verse, while others link this oeuvre with the tradition of the literary letter

  • All the letters written by the women in this oeuvre reverberate their enormous emotional tension

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Vilniaus universiteto Klasikinës filologijos katedros profesorë

Ovidijaus veikalas Heroides – vienas máslingiausiø poeto kûriniø, ligi ðiol keliantis daug diskusijø ir paliekantis neatsakytø klausimø. Kiek padëjo Jasonui, kai ðis atvyko á Kolchidæ aukso vilnos, ir dabar jauèiasi áskaudinta, kad jos pagalba ir pasiaukojimas buvo taip greitai pamirðti. Tai vienas aistringiausiø ir emocingiausiø Ovidijaus herojø laiðkø, kuriame gausu retoriniø klausimø ir suðukimø („Ak, að iðdaviau tëvà ir þemæ, kurià jis valdë teisingai!“; „Þiaurûs sapnai, kodël man leidot nieko neveikti, / Jau amþinoji naktis bûtø prislëgus geriau!“), poetiðkø palyginimø ir tragiðkø intonacijø: Mano plaukai palaidi, tarsi artimo savo gedëèiau, Rûbai, ne, ne lietaus – aðarø permerkti jie. Vienintelis romënø mitologijos siuþetas Ovidijaus Herojø korpuse – tai Didonës laiðkas Enëjui. Siekiant suvokti Ovidijaus Herojø poetinio pasaulio savitumà, nemaþai reikðmës gali turëti faktas, kad laiðkai chronologiðkai ásikomponuoja tarp Amores ir Metamorphoses, tai yra tarsi sujungia eleginæ ir epinæ vaizdavimo tradicijas. Didonë Enëjui [Ðtai, Dardanieti, iðgirsk Elisos, tuoj mirsianèios, giesmæ, Tai paskutiniai, kuriuos tu dar skaitysi þodþius]

Taip mirties valandos prie sraunaus Meandro sulaukus
Tuoj apsuptø tave melagingos priesaikos tavo
Iðmestà jûros bangø að tave savo priëmiau miestan
Að paþástu gerai bangas prie Afrikos kranto
Kaip pritiks dovana tavoji mano likimui!
Vertë Eugenija Ulèinaitë
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