
During the past decade, Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür (Heteroptera: Miridae) has become a key pest of cotton in northern China, due to widespread planting of Bt cotton and an associated drop in the use of broad-spectrum insecticides. Because of a lack of management alternatives, A. lucorum outbreaks are presently exclusively controlled with insecticides. In this study, we determined A. lucorum overwintering locations and host plants during the 2006–2009 winter seasons. A total of 126 plant species were screened and nymphal emergence of A. lucorum was monitored over time. Eggs of A. lucorum successfully overwintered in cotton field soils and on 86 plant species, including weeds, fruit trees, pastures and agricultural crops. More specifically, Vitis vinifera L., Ricinus communis L., Momordica charantia L., Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant., Artemisia annua L., Artemisia lavandulaefolia DC., Isatis indigotica Fort., Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit., Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek, Ziziphus jujuba Mill., Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi et, Ocimum basilicum L., Onobrychi viciifolia Scop., Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd., Malus domestica Borkh. and Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss proved optimal overwintering hosts of A. lucorum. Based upon plant species occurrence and distribution in Chinese cotton-growing regions, several weeds and fruit trees, such as V. vinifera, Z. jujuba, P. bretschneideri and M. domestica can be termed key overwintering hosts of A. lucorum. Our findings can form the basis for future formulation of targeted management actions to lower A. lucorum overwintering populations in cotton-growing landscapes of northern China.

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