
The percentages of Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) in four subhabitats of peppermint fields in November were 37% on dead leaves, 45% in debris below dead leaves, 3% in hollow stems and 15% on live foliage. In December, the percentages were 36, 39, 7 and 18%, respectively, for these same sites. The values were 40, 37, 18 and 5% and 6, 80, 14 and 0% for January and February, respectively. By April, 95% of all predators were on new foliage feeding on Tetranychus urticae Koch, while the rest were still in debris. Augmenting plots with debris increased overwintering survival of N. fallacis compared to the natural condition while removal of debris decreased it. An autumn carbofuran (Furadan 4F) treatment completely eliminated overwintering N. fallacis, thus leading to outbreaks of T. urticae the following spring. The results of these overwintering studies are discussed in relation to improved biological control and spider mite management.

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