
The Albanian language, as well as the other Balkan languages, have received a large number of Turkish language elements, first of them being the acceptance of Turkish words. These words, respectively the Turkicisms, have penetrated in almost all spheres in the fields of social life. In Albanian, there are many words in these social spheres: religious spheres, administrative spheres, military spheres, crafts, construction, home environment, names etc. The historical and linguistic conditions of the borrowing of Turkicisms are known. Albanians and Turks (Ottomans) got into contact in the wars and battles between them, as well as during the reign of the Turkish Empire in the Balkan Peninsula, and in the Albanian territories as well. Turkicisms began to enter the Albanian language from the time the Turks deployed military officers and clerks in several Albanian cities. The ruling period of the foreign invaders and the typology of the communicating languages had a huge influence on linguistic borrowings. The Albanian language is typologically quite remote from Turkish and has therefore assumed relatively few Turkicisms compared to the long period of Turkish rule in the Albanian area. For this purpose, this research and analysis method has been used: A survey was carried out with 60 students of the Department of Albanian Language and Literature at the University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti" in Prizren, with first year students of the second semester and with second year students of the second semester. In the analysis of the tests, graphical presentations of the use of some Turkish words (Turkicisms) have been created, which are used by students in conversations with each other, in the family and in society, in the city and around Prizren.


  • In order to realize this paper we used the works of some Albanian linguists, who have published works on Orientalism’s and Turkish loanwords, in national and international conferences in the Albanian language

  • We used Albanian language dictionaries such as: " Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe (Albanian Language Dictionary)" (1954), Tirana, " Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe (Contemporary Albanian Dictionary)“ (1980), Tirana and "Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe (Albanian Dictionary)“ (2006), Tirana

  • Dizdar's "Fjalor i Orientalizmave (Dictionary of Orientalisms)" [Harri 2015: 5], the Albanian language has borrowed about 4,406 words, of which about 1,800 were included in the "Fjalor i Gjuhës së Sotme Shqipe (Contemporary Albanian Dictionary)" (1980)

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Überblick Über Die Verwendung Einiger Turkizismen Von

Sowohl die albanische als auch die anderen Balkan-Sprachen haben zahlreiche Elemente der türkischen Sprache erhalten, vor allem die Akzeptanz türkischer Wörter. Die historischen und sprachlichen Bedingungen der Entlehnung von Turkizismen sind bekannt. Albaner und Türken (Osmanen) kamen in den Kriegen und Schlachten untereinander sowie während der Herrschaft des türkischen Reiches auf der Balkanhalbinsel und in den albanischen Gebieten in Kontakt. Seit der Zeit, als die Türken in mehreren albanischen Städten Offiziere und Militärangehörige stationiert hatten, begannen die Turkizismen in die albanische Sprache einzudringen. Die herrschende Zeit der ausländischen Invasoren und die Typologie der kommunizierenden Sprachen hatten einen großen Einfluss auf die sprachlichen Entlehnungen. Die albanische Sprache ist typologisch weit von der türkischen Sprache entfernt und hat daher im Vergleich zu der langen türkischen Herrschaft im albanischen Raum relativ wenige Turkizismen angenommen. European Journal of Educational and Social Sciences, 4 (2), 73 – 83

Orientalisms or Turkish borrowings?
Turkish borrowings in the Contemporary Albanian Dictionary
Turkicisms at the old Albanian authors
Research Methodology
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