
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program was initially a volunteer movement from companies to provide maximum benefits to society and the environment as a result of the fact that there was environmental damage due to world exploration efforts. The problem that exists and will be studied in this research is the urgency of forming a Draft Regional Regulation for Bogor Regency Concerning Corporate Social Responsibility. In terms of research methods, this legal research was carried out using normative legal research supported by empirical research to obtain primary data. In Indonesia, the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not something new. Various private and state companies have implemented CSR practices, although not all companies have done so. In general, the motivation for carrying out CSR is not only a form of company concern for the surrounding environment, but also to shape the company's image. In the formation of Regional Regulations on Social and Environmental Responsibility in Community Empowerment in Bogor Regency, it is intended to reach and regulate various companies with legal entities (rechts persoon) in Bogor Regency that wish to carry out Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) programs.

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