
The P¯ANDA experiment is devoted to study interactions between cooled antiproton beams and a fixed target (the interaction rate is of about 107 events/s), hydrogen or heavier nuclei. The innermost tracker of P¯ANDA is the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD), specially designed to ensure the secondary vertex resolution for the discrimination of short-lived charmonium states. Hybrid epitaxial silicon pixels and double-sided silicon microstrips will equip four barrels, arranged around the interaction point, and six forward disks. The experiment features a triggerless architecture with a master clock of 160MHz, therefore the MVD has to run with a continuous data transmission where the hits need precise timestamps. The energy loss of the particles in the sensor will be measured as well. The challenging request of a triggerless readout suggested to develop custom readout chips for both pixel (ToPix) and microstrip (PASTA) devices. To validate components and the triggerless readout architecture, prototypes have been built and tested. After an overview of the MVD, the technological aspects and performances of some prototypes will be reported.

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