
This study aims to investigate how unwanted pregnancy affects adolescent psychology. The research approach utilized within the planning of this study is qualitative. Data collection was carried out concurring to a foreordained plan. Qualitative data collection uses different strategies such as interviews, perception, documentation, and so on. The information investigation handle is carried out by receiving and creating intuitively designs that incorporate data reduction, data introduction, verification or conclusion drawing. The result of the study shows that the frequency of undesirable pregnancy will unquestionably have an effect on the brain research of everybody who encounters it. This happens since of a few components counting; the calculation of fear of family responses, the figure of fear of future harm and fear of social sanctions that are gotten. 3 out of 5 youths have a positive acknowledgment demeanor towards undesirable pregnancy, whereas the other two have a negative acknowledgment state of mind. Typically, it is due to contrasts within the number of sources of bolster from the environment.

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