
A clinical decision support system (CDSS) is an information system used in healthcare, designed to help with the clinical decision. It supports medical diagnostics, treatment and prevention. CDSS systems exist in many forms and make use of the different types of data. In this paper, we focus on CDSS based on handwriting and provide the overview of current state-of-the-art in the handwriting processing for CDSS with the focus on dysgraphia. The recent advances in technology facilitate possibility to analyse the handwriting not only as image but accurately analyse components of handwriting such as movement in horizontal and vertical direction, pressure and movement above the surface. We outline tasks used for the handwriting acquisition, handwriting features, classification models and latest achieved results in area of handwriting processing. We identify currently the the most useful approaches for dysgraphia rating and classification. Our ultimate goal is to design a CDSS to make the diagnostics and monitoring of the impaired handwriting objective more effective.

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