
The era of disruption is an era that brings various changes. Almost every side of life changes with the presence of the era, one of them is education. The era of disruption brought many challenges to education which required it to develop following that era. Massive technological developments also have an impact on education. Now, many educational institutions that implement online-based learning. This is a step so that educational goals remain consistent with the times. Ironically, the positive effects of the disruption era also brought some negative impacts. One of the negative impacts is the decline in morals by students. Like a student bullies another student to death, students fight teachers, students have sexual relations and so forth. Therefore, education today must present learning that not only focuses on increasing knowledge, but also aspects of student personality or character. We know that the center of the education process is the existence of the curriculum. A good and correct curriculum can produce good graduates as well. Therefore, we need an educational curriculum model that can help students in forming character in anticipating moral decline. Islamic boarding school is a non-formal educational institution that focuses on educating students to become people of character and morality. So, this study aims to find a picture of the boarding school curriculum in shaping the character of the nation. Researchers will look for data through interviews, observations and documentation to see the curriculum implemented by Islamic boarding schools. The formation of character in question is learning that instills character values following Pancasila characters, namely religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard-working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the motherland, appreciating achievement, communicative, loving peace, fond of reading, caring for the environment, caring socially and responsibly. Article visualizations:

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