
The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) designed and constructed the high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR) in order to establish and upgrade the technology basis for the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) and develop the technology for high temperature heat applications. The HTTR is a helium-cooled and graphite-moderated HTGR with a thermal power of 30 MW and a maximum reactor outlet coolant temperature of 950 °C. The first criticality was attained on November 10, 1998 and the rated power operation with the reactor outlet coolant temperature of 850 °C was achieved on December 7, 2001. Since 2002, safety demonstration tests simulating anticipated operational occurrences such as decrease of primary coolant flow-rate and reactivity insertion have been carried out to ensure safety during off-normal conditions. From 2005, various irradiation tests for fuels and materials will start. In addition, a hydrogen production test facility will be coupled with the HTTR by 2015 to produce hydrogen by nuclear. The history and future plan, major design features and R&D programs of the HTTR are summarized in this paper.

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