
As part of the Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM) program, which ran from 2008 to 2020, the Geological Survey of Canada carried out reconnaissance-scale to deposit-scale geochemical and indicator-mineral surveys and case studies across northern Canada. In these studies, geochemical methods were used to determine the concentrations of 65 elements in lake-sediment, lake-water, stream-sediment, stream-water, and till samples across approximately 1 000 000 km2 of northern Canada. State-of the-art methods were used to examine the indicator-mineral signatures identified through regional-scale stream-sediment and till surveys. As a result of this research, areas with anomalous concentrations of elements and/or indicator minerals that are indicative of bedrock mineralization were identified, new mineral exploration models and protocols were developed, a new generation of geoscientists was trained, and knowledge was transferred to northern communities. The most immediate impact of the GEM surveys has been the stimulation of mineral exploration in Canada's north, with exploration efforts being focused on high mineral-potential areas identified in GEM regional-scale surveys. Regional- and deposit-scale studies demonstrated how transport data (till geochemistry, indicator minerals) and ice-flow indicator data can be used together to identify and understand complex ice flow and glacial transport. Detailed studies at the Izok Lake, Pine Point, Strange Lake, and Kiggavik deposits, and across the Great Bear magmatic zone, demonstrate new suites of indicator minerals that can now be used in future reconnaissance- and regional-scale stream-sediment and till surveys across Canada.

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