
Abstract Together with the INFM and other Italian institutes, Sincrotrone Trieste has proposed and developed FERMI@ELETTRA in response to the Italian government's call for proposals from national institutes for a multipurpose pulsed laser X-ray source. The proposed FEL source will be located at the third-generation synchrotron radiation facility ELETTRA and will utilize the fully available 1.0-GeV normal conducting linac. The project is organized along three stages of development, allowing gradual improvements for the production of 40-, 10-, and 1.2-nm radiation. The first two phases involve upgrading the linac with a high-brightness photo-injector and bunch compressor for the generation of increasingly higher quality electron beams. The third phase requires both an increase in peak current and beam energy to 3.0 GeV. The requirements of the user-community necessitate reproducible radiation sources with controllable polarization and wavelength. For this APPLE-type undulators will be implemented and seeding schemes will be used where possible. An overview of the proposal is presented elucidating linac upgrades and overall layout, electron beam simulations, and laser seed schemes. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 41.60. Cr; 42.72. Bj; 07.85. Fv; 29.17.+ w

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