
Antibiotics are medications that combat bacterial illnesses. There are several negative health outcomes associated with the current epidemic of antibiotic resistance, including higher rates of illness and death, higher healthcare expenditures, and treatment failures. In 2015, there were an increase of 50 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions (Unnescecery prescribing) from 150 million, and this number continues to increase every year. Thus, the number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is increasing. This study aims to determine the extent of public awareness on the utilization of antibiotics in Dusun Blungkan, Sendangrejo village, Lamongan district. The design of this research is descriptive research and data collection using questionnaires with Cronbach's alpha value of 0.83 (>0.60) then the questionnaire is declared reliable that covers 7 domains of knowledge namely understanding antibiotics, antibiotic examples, antibiotics use, dosage, contraindications, side effects, and antibiotic resistance. The results showed that in Dusun Blungkan, Sendangrejo Village, Lamongan District, and Lamongan Province there are 21 (70%) people who are aware of the use of antibiotics. Out of 30 respondents, 21 people (70%) have sufficient knowledge, 7 people (23.3%) have less knowledge, and 2 people (6.7%) have good knowledge. Controlled use of antibiotics can prevent resistance. Therefore, accurate information about the importance of antibiotics and how to use antibiotics properly and correctly is needed, as well as more wisdom in using them to avoid unexpected side effects.

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