
Tinidazole (TIN) has amoebicidal, giardicidal, antifungal, and antimicrobial activities. It is marketed in the form of tablets. Analytical methods to assess the quality of TIN-based products are essential for correct pharmacotherapy. The objective of this review is to show an overview of the existing analytical methods for evaluating TIN, according to the quality control (QC) analysis routine and green analytical chemistry (GAC). Official compendia show a method for evaluating TIN in tablets by nonaqueous titration, which has limitations (materials on the mg scale using solvents considered not recommended and harmful). The literature shows some analytical methods for evaluating TIN, both physicochemical and microbiological. The most used physicochemical method is UV (41%), and second is HPLC (28%). Among the microbiological methods, agar diffusion and turbidimetric methods are equally divided. The most studied matrix is TIN tablets (73%), and the most used solvent is methanol. The literature shows space for the development of analytical methods according to GAC for evaluating TIN, optimizing time, resources, and materials, reducing waste generation, and opting for less aggressive reagents, solvents, and diluents. This review shows the status of analytical methods, both physicochemical and microbiological, for the analysis of TIN in pharmaceutical matrix, in the context of routine analysis of the chemical-pharmaceutical industries and of GAC.

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