
This overview was written primarily with graduates, engineers and electrical, mechanical, chemical, instrumentation and control and computer technicians in mind who wish to enter the power generation industry at large and gas turbine (GT) power generating plants in particular, since combined cycle GT (CCGT) power plants constitute the largest output and most efficient turbine power generation stations operating today. This part 1 of a 4 part overview focuses on the salient asset management administration and engineering aspects of GT power stations. Whilst renewable power generation and electricity storage are being actively pursued in all its various forms, and whilst nuclear power plants are considered the best long term, large output, enviro-friendly, bulk power suppliers, in an ever diminishing fuels world, transition eco-friendly natural gas fired CCGT power plants are still the quickest to build, the most efficient to run and the most readily available to the grid, large output power installations available today. CCGT plants are thus worthy of considerable continued study and application.

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