
Madrasah Aliyah is institution education characteristic general typical of Islam. Islamic Religious Education in madrasas is faced with various problems from various parties, especially those related to educational materials, as well as the low quality of human resources. Supervisors have roles and responsibilities and full authority to carry out education, assessment, technical and administrative guidance in educational units, as well as increase quality education. The focus of this paper is policy Group Work Superintendent (POKJAWAS) madrasah in increase quality Islamic education. For That methodology used in study this use methodology qualitative with type study studies case. Data collection techniques are carried out with method observation, interview depth, and documentation. On research this used technique data analysis in the form of analysis interactive. This model consists on three component that is data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. Research results this is Policy POKJAWAS madrasah in increase quality Islamic education in Banjarnegara Regency in the form of policies are long-term, policies period medium, and policy period short.

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