
This purposes of this paper are to: 1) demonstrate an objective overshooting top (OT) detection method using Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) infrared data, 2) produce an OT database for all operational SEVIRI data over Europe and north Africa for the six Northern Hemisphere warm seasons observed by SEVIRI to date, and 3) determine the frequency of OT detections in the vicinity of confirmed severe weather reports recorded within the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD). Algorithm performance is demonstrated for a case where numerous severe storms were present. Qualitative comparisons indicate that most OT detections correspond with the characteristic OT signature in SEVIRI 1 km resolution visible channel imagery, but some OTs were left undetected due in part to relatively coarse SEVIRI spatial resolution over the European domain. The SEVIRI OT database shows a strong relationship between OT maxima and regions with high terrain. OTs are found to occur more frequently during the day over land and during the night over water. Inter- and intra-seasonal variability in OT frequency and location are also shown. An OT was found near 47% of the confirmed ESWD events. The OT–severe weather relationship is strong for large hail (53%) and severe wind (52%) events but relatively weak for tornado events (14%). The weak OT–tornado relationship may be related two factors: 1) low-level wind shear is found to be of greater importance than large CAPE and strong updrafts (i.e. OTs) in tornadic storm environments across Europe and 2) a weakening of the storm updraft and collapse of the OT region has been documented prior to tornado formation. The relatively strong overall OT–severe weather relationship suggests that OT detections can be used to increase forecaster confidence that a given storm is severe, especially in regions where frequent, ground based Doppler weather radar data is unavailable.

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